Thursday, March 29, 2012

Choo Therapy

Does the very thought of owning those new Blahnik’s make you salivate like a hungry pup? Does the feel of knee-high leather boots caressing your feet make you tilt your head back in a state of near-orgasm? Is the wincing you experience with a slight shoe-bite bittersweet like a passionate hickey being planted on your neck? Don’t worry – you are not experiencing out of the ordinary behavior patterns. As a matter of fact, you’re as normal as vanilla icing.
Studies have proven 89% women between the ages of 18 - 35 experience an above normal release of endorphins within 24 hours of purchasing new shoes. Further, research says that the ecstatic reaction to the thought of shopping for new footwear can be compared with that of a climax. Not just that, monetary factors notwithstanding, for most women shoe shopping is guilt-free and painless (albeit only when compared to botox and going under the knife). It’s also interesting to note that this guilt-free experience is rated higher by borderline obese women.
Little wonder then, that most yuppie urban women on an average own over 500 pairs of shoes. They consider wedges, pumps and sling backs, staple accessories and repeating a shoe, sacrilege. It is for these thick-lashed elite that Italian shoe designers are thronging to our country and why a certain Choo can’t ignore India anymore.
So next time you feel the blues,ditch those yellow pills and reach out for hot heels instead.