Monday, May 14, 2012

Jeepers Creepers!

Platforms took a while getting used to, and I ‘meh-ed’ a little when Flatforms came into fashion, but Creepers is where I unblinkingly draw the line. True to their name, sole ‘creepers’ seriously give me the heebie-jeebies. Imagine this – a pair of brogues (which are bad enough to begin with) get a life of their own until they develop a spongy bottom, Jennifer Lopez style –and voila, you have what they’re tenderly referring to as creepers.

Sure, if you’re going punk or goth for a masquerade party, go right ahead. But if you ever so much as think of stepping into them for that well-heeled do, may the almighty have mercy on you! Asos’ business may be thriving thanks to these monstrosities, but have compassion for fashion before donning a pair yourself.

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